| 1. | Non - conference line independent line , outsider 非公会成员的航运公司 |
| 2. | Certificate from shipping company or their agents stating that shipment is effected by conference line / regular line vessels under 15 years of age 船公司或其代理开距证明以声明货物由15年以下的公会船/定期船装载 |
| 3. | The survey was conducted via the " conference line service " as to ensure the confidentiality of the information given by the respondents and that the data obtained were more reliable 研究于九九年十一月进行,调查利用电脑数码互动电话系统,做到资料完全保密,以确保所得数据是更可靠。 |
| 4. | Or their agents certifying that shipment has been effected by conference line and / or regular line vessels only covered by institute classfication clause , to accompany the documents (由承运人,船公司或他们的代理签发的证明,表明货物已经由船公司按照伦敦协会条款装运,并且已随附有单据。 ) |
| 5. | Shipment to be effected by : regular liner service vessels or conference line vessels operating in the arabian gulf region and a certificate to this effect from the owers / agent / captain of the vessel is required 般必须以定期船线或阿拉伯海湾地区的参加海运同盟班轮起运,要船公司或其代理开证明。 |